Martina mines the history of ornament and pattern to explore the mutation and boundaries of functional ceramics through vessels and installations. With a focus on wheel thrown forms, Lantin balances contemporary aesthetics with nostalgic sensibilities.

Born in Montreal, Canada, Martina Lantin received her Master of Fine Art from NSCAD University. She has participated in residencies in Canada, the United States, Germany, Iceland and China. Martina has written for various ceramic publications and edited the 2017 summer issue of the Studio Potter journal. Her work has been included in numerous juried and invitational exhibitions internationally.  Recent participation includes “Borderline” the Alberta Biennial 2020 and “The Pots and Passion of Walter Ostrom” at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.

Martina is an Associate Professor at the Alberta University of the Arts.




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    Photography Credit: Sarah Slade
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