Michael Kruzich was trained at the prestigious Mosaic Art School (Studio Arte del Mosaico) in Ravenna, Italy by Maestra Luciana Notturni and her colleagues.

His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently at Vanderbilt University’s Embodied: Mosaic Arts International 2019 Invitational Exhibition and the 2017 RavennaMosaico / Biennale Festival in Ravenna, Italy. His work has won awards at the annual Mosaic Arts International exhibits in 2010, 2011 and 2015 as well as appearing in several art and mosaic publications.  A professional member of the AIMC (International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists), Michael is based in San Francisco, CA where he maintains his studio practice creating fine art mosaics, reproductions and commissions for private/commercial clients. He also teaches the classical Italian principles and methods of making mosaics both in his studio and as a guest artist in various mosaics schools around the country. Michael is one of only a few instructors in the U.S. who teaches the “Ravenna Method” a traditional technique still widely used by professionals in Ravenna today.

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    Photography Credit: Sarah Slade
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